Just a few questions
Why do people think that no answer is less rude than just saying 'no'? I think these people are so afraid of confrontation, that they are too scared to tell someone no, so they just hide until we figure it out...
WHY are there still people who don't know how to use Facebook?
WHY are they occupying wallstreet? OCCUPY A SHOWER and the fry machine at McDonalds.
WHY??????do people think doing a wave 12 times at a football game will cure cancer? IT won't, research will,
I have a lot to say. I live with 2 kids and a husband, who may just be a def mute. I really do LOVE them all, but I need an outlet, so here it is. YOU'RE WELCOME, AMERICA!
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Sunday, October 16, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Cyber rudness!
Ok, I was raised to RSVP, to hand write invitations, and to return phone calls. Well, in this day of Text, facebook, evite, email, etc...the rudeness has gotten out of hand.
It about killed me when I sent out my first evite. But, it was so cheap and easy!! How is it that you can't push a yes or no or even a maybe button to rsvp!! It takes the brain completely out of the equation!!!!
Then, there;s email. I admit, I'd much rather email someone than have to pick up the phone. But, you can't answer that?? most people have their entire cyberworld in their cell phones!
Text, here's another one that really pisses me off. I text you, you respond, Not difficult. Don't tell me you don't have time to text me back. That is bs.
Just needed to get that off my chest. TTYL.
It about killed me when I sent out my first evite. But, it was so cheap and easy!! How is it that you can't push a yes or no or even a maybe button to rsvp!! It takes the brain completely out of the equation!!!!
Then, there;s email. I admit, I'd much rather email someone than have to pick up the phone. But, you can't answer that?? most people have their entire cyberworld in their cell phones!
Text, here's another one that really pisses me off. I text you, you respond, Not difficult. Don't tell me you don't have time to text me back. That is bs.
Just needed to get that off my chest. TTYL.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
March of Dimes Signature Chef's of Birmingham
Dear Friends,
I’d like to tell you a little why I am asking for a donation for this event. I work, very hard, to raise money for March of Dimes. I do this on my own time, and sometimes with my own money, when donors are scarce. What my husband, Jack and I went through, to bury your own children, no one should have to suffer this. Nearly 8 years ago, we were blessed with twins, Henry and Grace. They were born too early. Henry was still born, and Grace lived for 45 minutes, we weren’t able to hold her while she was alive.
I don't want to say that volunteering makes it all worth it, because I would move heaven and earth to hold those precious babies, to see them grow up. It helps me make sense out of our personal tragedy. When I ask you for a donation, it is not for me. It is for that family, right now, sitting in the NICU unable to hold their baby, because he is too fragile to be held. It is for the mother to be, who is uneducated about prenatal care. It is for the baby who is born with an inexplicable birth defect. I realize that even if I could save every baby single handedly, it would not make mine come back. So, for now, I will spend every waking hour, trying to help this worth while organization, loving my two sweet angels that I have on earth, and remembering the two I have in heaven.
Monday, August 15, 2011
We interrupt this marriage to bring you football season?
Football Season? In August? Yes, preseason play of course. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE LOVE LOVE football. I love seeing how our schools drafts do in the pro's. I love it when MY team runs out onto the field, I love yelling that disputed phrase that had so many up in arms after my team finally won a "major award" and the powers that be decided it belonged to them. But, It's STILL August. It's HOT outside. We can still go places on Sunday afternoon. We don't need to have the TiVoed replay on one tv and the current PRE season match up on the other..But I digress.
What I love is the feel of the college season. The energy all over this state. The instate hate. I love when the band runs out on the field and the head dork stabs his long stabby thing in the ground. I love when one of our mascots (the live one) SOARS around the stadium. I love that my kids get so excited about going to each and every game. That they talk smack to their own grandparents!! I project the younger one to be a body painter one day, I'll be so proud.
I also LOVE the Pro boys. I don't feel the need to watch every game, just the ones that they play in, I guess I am short a protrusion from my body to feel the need to do that.
My husband, however, will watch every down, every penalty, every 'cheerleader' kick her scantily clad leg up above her head. I will see him in January, unless, we have a repeat.
What I love is the feel of the college season. The energy all over this state. The instate hate. I love when the band runs out on the field and the head dork stabs his long stabby thing in the ground. I love when one of our mascots (the live one) SOARS around the stadium. I love that my kids get so excited about going to each and every game. That they talk smack to their own grandparents!! I project the younger one to be a body painter one day, I'll be so proud.
I also LOVE the Pro boys. I don't feel the need to watch every game, just the ones that they play in, I guess I am short a protrusion from my body to feel the need to do that.
My husband, however, will watch every down, every penalty, every 'cheerleader' kick her scantily clad leg up above her head. I will see him in January, unless, we have a repeat.
Monday, August 8, 2011
back up
Ok, sorry about all the negative crap yesterday. I feel better. You know how it is? Anyway, I'm back on top now!! WOO HOO! LET'S ROLL!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
I'll be fine, I'll be fine
I keep saying it's gonna be ok. But, when I plan an event and invite 120 people, don't hear from anyone, message and call them and still, only 2 people show up, I am having a hard time smiling. When some of my own family members won't support me, it hurts. I want to go in my room, slam the door and cry into my pillow. How much more can we take. Just when we think we're up, we get kicked in the teeth again. But, I go on. I am doing everything I can to make this family work. To get us out of this crap hole we're in.
I extend the preverbial olive branch out to the friends who have turned away, but I feel like they have slapped me in the face with it. Might as well drop the olives in vodka and have a martini! But still, I go on... I will keep my chin up, I will keep smiling, and I will tell everyone how great things are.
I extend the preverbial olive branch out to the friends who have turned away, but I feel like they have slapped me in the face with it. Might as well drop the olives in vodka and have a martini! But still, I go on... I will keep my chin up, I will keep smiling, and I will tell everyone how great things are.
Monday, August 1, 2011
I know this sounds hokey, but yep, my life has changed.
My life....ups and downs, like everyone else. But here's my story of how I chose to change it, take it or leave it , it is what it is, (any other cliche's I can give you?)
I was in a low spot in my life, friends had turned away, I was depressed. Then, on top of it all, my husband was 'downsized'. There were days I thought about leaving. I mean just running away. The only thing that was keeping me here was the faces of my two sweet babies. I love them more than life itself, literally at the time. Also, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a shell of my former self. Old, sad, my skin looked like crap! I swear I looked 10 years older.
I knew about a company that was new to the skincare world. A very good family friend of mine was involved in it. Then, my own SISTER joined, this was the point when I said, "Hmmm, there may be something to this". So, I gave it a try. After a week, my skin looked so good, even the husband noticed. Now, I know a lot of you would say ,"So, my husband worships me, he notices if a hair has been changed, or an eyebrow plucked". Well, mine wouldn't notice if I stood in front of the tv nude, unless football was on and he was telling me to move. The more I used the regimen, the more I got totally addicted. I felt so much better, I know this sounds ridiculous, but for someone who was in as low of a point as I was, looking prettier really boosted my self esteem. Hubs and I talked about the possibility of becoming a consultant myself. I liked that idea,
One night, we were laying in bed. I was crying, he was tossing and turning, our question ...'What are we going to do?' How are we going to pay our mortgage? I went to the sofa, to get on facebook for some mindless stalking. And guess who was on there....My friend who had been trying to get me started in the business since day one. We chatted, and I made the decision that if we were going to save this family, I was going to just jump, I was going to do it. It was about this time hubby walked out, sat down beside me and said ,"Have you thought about this skincare business anymore?". It was a sign from GOD!
Now, I'm only in month two, but I can say, without a doubt, my life has been changed. I am happier, my husband is happier. We are by no means back on top, but I know we are on our way.
So, when I say that this business changed my life, believe me, it has.
I was in a low spot in my life, friends had turned away, I was depressed. Then, on top of it all, my husband was 'downsized'. There were days I thought about leaving. I mean just running away. The only thing that was keeping me here was the faces of my two sweet babies. I love them more than life itself, literally at the time. Also, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a shell of my former self. Old, sad, my skin looked like crap! I swear I looked 10 years older.
I knew about a company that was new to the skincare world. A very good family friend of mine was involved in it. Then, my own SISTER joined, this was the point when I said, "Hmmm, there may be something to this". So, I gave it a try. After a week, my skin looked so good, even the husband noticed. Now, I know a lot of you would say ,"So, my husband worships me, he notices if a hair has been changed, or an eyebrow plucked". Well, mine wouldn't notice if I stood in front of the tv nude, unless football was on and he was telling me to move. The more I used the regimen, the more I got totally addicted. I felt so much better, I know this sounds ridiculous, but for someone who was in as low of a point as I was, looking prettier really boosted my self esteem. Hubs and I talked about the possibility of becoming a consultant myself. I liked that idea,
One night, we were laying in bed. I was crying, he was tossing and turning, our question ...'What are we going to do?' How are we going to pay our mortgage? I went to the sofa, to get on facebook for some mindless stalking. And guess who was on there....My friend who had been trying to get me started in the business since day one. We chatted, and I made the decision that if we were going to save this family, I was going to just jump, I was going to do it. It was about this time hubby walked out, sat down beside me and said ,"Have you thought about this skincare business anymore?". It was a sign from GOD!
Now, I'm only in month two, but I can say, without a doubt, my life has been changed. I am happier, my husband is happier. We are by no means back on top, but I know we are on our way.
So, when I say that this business changed my life, believe me, it has.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Let me tell you about MY skin...
All of my life, I have never been happy with my skin. I have caked makeup on to cover up pimples, discoloration, lack of radiance. I worked for Estee Lauder and Clinique for a combined 6 years. I used ALL the latest , newest, most advanced products. I saw... results, but nothing that ever just blew me away!! A very good friend of mine told me about Rodan and Fields. They were the dermatologist that invented Pro Active and they were doing for Aging what they did for Acne. My sister became and independant consultant in March of this year. She gave me a REVERSE Regimine. I reluctantly started to use it. I kept thinking, "There are not enough products or 'steps' here to do anything". I started noticing darkspots disappearing within a WEEK! I could not believe it. Then I started using the AMP MD system. Even my husband noticed my skin looking better. I didn't think he ever noticed that! He recently told me ,"You have been using 3 step ever since I met you and I have never seen your skin look this good'. I can go without make up now and feel good about it! I honestly believe in this product. I wanted to share it with all of my friends before I began selling it. But, don't do like me, I waited 3 months before I decided I was impressed enough to become an independant consultant. I have never been so excited about a job in my life!! yes, I know I've sold other products (jewelry), but the stucture of this is so different. If you would like to find out more about the product, check out my website www.jlawley.myrandf.com or let's meet for coffee, a drink, lunch, whatever! If you would like to find out more about the business, check out my business website www.jlawley.myrandf.biz we can meet to talk about that too! ;) "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing" - Walt DisneySee More
Sunday, June 19, 2011
to the ASS that changed our lives....
Dear P....R....,
I am just wondering how you sleep at night? Let me tell you how I sleep, with a handfull of Xanax and a Prozac. I lay awake worrying how I am going to tell my daughters that, no, we can't take ballet because daddy put 5 years of his life, heart and soul into a company. He spent 50% of his time away from us, and was excited to be able to talk to his little girls via computer. I lay awake and worry if we are going to be able to afford braces, glasses, or college. I lay awake thinking of the day he came home, with tears in his eyes, and immediatly started looking for a new job. Of course, as you know, this 'economy' sucks, and has been told so by hundreds of potential employers. I lay awake thinking about how his pride was bruised as he had to activate an old pink blackberry so that he could start contacting people trying to find a way to support our little family. I lay awake hoping that something will give, so that I can even take my children to a movie! What I don't lay awake worrying about is that I layed off a perfectly good employee who did everything that I ever asked, worked his ass off so that I could send my kids to ballet, the movies, and yes, even college. That's your job, So sweet dreams asshole.
I am just wondering how you sleep at night? Let me tell you how I sleep, with a handfull of Xanax and a Prozac. I lay awake worrying how I am going to tell my daughters that, no, we can't take ballet because daddy put 5 years of his life, heart and soul into a company. He spent 50% of his time away from us, and was excited to be able to talk to his little girls via computer. I lay awake and worry if we are going to be able to afford braces, glasses, or college. I lay awake thinking of the day he came home, with tears in his eyes, and immediatly started looking for a new job. Of course, as you know, this 'economy' sucks, and has been told so by hundreds of potential employers. I lay awake thinking about how his pride was bruised as he had to activate an old pink blackberry so that he could start contacting people trying to find a way to support our little family. I lay awake hoping that something will give, so that I can even take my children to a movie! What I don't lay awake worrying about is that I layed off a perfectly good employee who did everything that I ever asked, worked his ass off so that I could send my kids to ballet, the movies, and yes, even college. That's your job, So sweet dreams asshole.
Friday, May 6, 2011
my thoughts, sort of.
Yesterday, my best friend, and I loaded up a 16 foot trailer, FULL of water, food, supplies and drove to one of the hardest hit areas of Alabama. Just two stay at home moms, a giant trailer, which I lovingly referred to as "THAT THING" and my husbands pickup truck.
God had lead us, we heard him lound and clear. We went to Hackleburg, AL. Before this week, we had never even heard of this town. The night before we left, we didn't really know where it was!!
I can express how it made me feel to load that trailer up, to collect those donations. I was amazed by peoples kindness, by the strength that God have given us, by the calling and how clear His message was.
I knew the whole way, that God was guiding that truck. That He had cleared that road. Because, let's face it, I am not the best driver. He helped us not "lose it" when we got to the site of the destruction.We picked up another friend of the family, whom I haven't seen in years. He knew the area very well. See, God put him in that truck with us. I don't think we would have gone all the way into Hackleburg if he had not pushed us through. When we found the spot to deliver supplies, I felt so blessed by the people accepting them. When we finished unloading, we didn't want to leave. We would have stayed, organized the whole thing, slept in a tent if we had to!
What I can't put into words is what we saw when we arrived.
7 years ago, my husband and I buried twins. God gave me strength to get through that, and eventually, talk about it. That happened to ME. This storm, this destruction, didn't harm me, my friends, or family. I have been crying off and on ever since we returned. I feel like that town is a part of me now. I want to go back. I want to help them clean up, to rebuild. I pray for them, and all the victims. I pray for the workers.
I hope soon, that I can talk about how it made me feel to see that, I hope that I can sort oust exactly what these feelings are.
God had lead us, we heard him lound and clear. We went to Hackleburg, AL. Before this week, we had never even heard of this town. The night before we left, we didn't really know where it was!!
I can express how it made me feel to load that trailer up, to collect those donations. I was amazed by peoples kindness, by the strength that God have given us, by the calling and how clear His message was.
I knew the whole way, that God was guiding that truck. That He had cleared that road. Because, let's face it, I am not the best driver. He helped us not "lose it" when we got to the site of the destruction.We picked up another friend of the family, whom I haven't seen in years. He knew the area very well. See, God put him in that truck with us. I don't think we would have gone all the way into Hackleburg if he had not pushed us through. When we found the spot to deliver supplies, I felt so blessed by the people accepting them. When we finished unloading, we didn't want to leave. We would have stayed, organized the whole thing, slept in a tent if we had to!
What I can't put into words is what we saw when we arrived.
7 years ago, my husband and I buried twins. God gave me strength to get through that, and eventually, talk about it. That happened to ME. This storm, this destruction, didn't harm me, my friends, or family. I have been crying off and on ever since we returned. I feel like that town is a part of me now. I want to go back. I want to help them clean up, to rebuild. I pray for them, and all the victims. I pray for the workers.
I hope soon, that I can talk about how it made me feel to see that, I hope that I can sort oust exactly what these feelings are.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
God is my co-pilot
Today, my best friend and I are taking a trailer to a little town in North West Alabama called Hackleburg. We have prayed all week, we have gathered supplies, we have changed location about 20 times. They were the first to say, 'Oh, thank you, we have nothing, we appreciate it so much'. I know everyone is giving , and taking supplies, and donating money, etc. Please remember, this is not going to be fixed in a week or a month. These people, all over the state, are going to need help for months, and maybe years to come.
Everyone is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, not by government mandate. The PEOPLE, the Churches, organizations, NEW groups, are taking care of this! This is how is should be, this is how it used to be.
I don't know if we are prepared for what we are going to see. I thought about taking my camera, but decided against it. We've seen these sad images so much. People are hurting, I don't want to be snapping photos, I want to be healing souls, by the grace of God.
We haven't done this alone, we've had a ton of help. God has done this. He's just using us as His hands and feet. We've had people praying for us all over the country! We need it.
So today, I'm not driving my B.A. mini van. I'll be behind the wheel of a pickup truck pulling about an 18 ft trailer. I'll be behind the wheel, but God is driving.
Remember, if you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you. If you CAN see my mirrors, I probably still can't see you!
Everyone is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, not by government mandate. The PEOPLE, the Churches, organizations, NEW groups, are taking care of this! This is how is should be, this is how it used to be.
I don't know if we are prepared for what we are going to see. I thought about taking my camera, but decided against it. We've seen these sad images so much. People are hurting, I don't want to be snapping photos, I want to be healing souls, by the grace of God.
We haven't done this alone, we've had a ton of help. God has done this. He's just using us as His hands and feet. We've had people praying for us all over the country! We need it.
So today, I'm not driving my B.A. mini van. I'll be behind the wheel of a pickup truck pulling about an 18 ft trailer. I'll be behind the wheel, but God is driving.
Remember, if you can't see my mirrors, I can't see you. If you CAN see my mirrors, I probably still can't see you!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Let yourself be blessed....
Wednesday, April, 27, 2011, was horrible, there is no way around it. It still feels like a bad nightmare. I cannot believe the images. I keep saying ,that can't be our state. It looks like a movie. Hundreds of deaths, lost homes, displaced families, and businesses. I don't know anyone who wasn't affected by these storms in some way or another.
I have heard so many tragic stories, we all have. In the midst of all of it, however, I cannot believe the strength and good nature that so many people have shown.
People everywhere are loading up, spending as much, or in some cases more, than they can afford to help these victims. No matter what I do, I don't feel like it will ever be enough.
I know nurses, at Children's Hospital who have had to help parents identify their children. I know students, kids, some family at Alabama who have recovered bodies. Images that they will never be able to get out of their heads. This is not stuff they are seeing on television, these are things that they are experiencing up close and in person.
I talked to a lady at an arts and crafts festival yesterday, who had lost her business in Tuscaloosa. She spent Thursday and Friday, making as many crafts as she could so that she could still occupy her booth!! On top of that, she brought a case of water to donate to the victims!!
My niece, who is a senior at the University, lives seconds from where the brunt of the destruction took place. I would have begged my daddy to 'come get me!' But not this remarkable young lady, she borrowed deoderant and a toothbrush, and went to the command center to help. As a matter of fact, she told her dad to stay home!!
I talked to a young man yesterday, who had lost so many of his friends, and still hasn't heard from others, who was going BACK to Tuscaloosa this week to volunteer.
A very good friend of mine, spent over $200, without a thought, buying clothing , diapers, wipes, and toys to help these victims! This wasn't easy for her, financially, but she did it.
And I am sure, most people have heard of the "toomers for tuscaloosa" group. They are doing amazing things.
My family and I are so blessed. This storm, which went for hundreds of miles, without lifting off of the ground, skipped about a 3 mile path, then landed north. This path that is skipped, was the town I live in. We are truley blessed.
So before you complain about your life, think of these people. Think of how blessed you are just to be alive. Buildings can be rebuilt. Power will eventually be turned back on. But family and friends cannot be replaced. For those of us who made it through unscathed, God has allowed us to be blessed, so let Him. He blessed us, so that we can be there, to help Him bless the others.
Wednesday, April, 27, 2011, was horrible, there is no way around it. It still feels like a bad nightmare. I cannot believe the images. I keep saying ,that can't be our state. It looks like a movie. Hundreds of deaths, lost homes, displaced families, and businesses. I don't know anyone who wasn't affected by these storms in some way or another.
I have heard so many tragic stories, we all have. In the midst of all of it, however, I cannot believe the strength and good nature that so many people have shown.
People everywhere are loading up, spending as much, or in some cases more, than they can afford to help these victims. No matter what I do, I don't feel like it will ever be enough.
I know nurses, at Children's Hospital who have had to help parents identify their children. I know students, kids, some family at Alabama who have recovered bodies. Images that they will never be able to get out of their heads. This is not stuff they are seeing on television, these are things that they are experiencing up close and in person.
I talked to a lady at an arts and crafts festival yesterday, who had lost her business in Tuscaloosa. She spent Thursday and Friday, making as many crafts as she could so that she could still occupy her booth!! On top of that, she brought a case of water to donate to the victims!!
My niece, who is a senior at the University, lives seconds from where the brunt of the destruction took place. I would have begged my daddy to 'come get me!' But not this remarkable young lady, she borrowed deoderant and a toothbrush, and went to the command center to help. As a matter of fact, she told her dad to stay home!!
I talked to a young man yesterday, who had lost so many of his friends, and still hasn't heard from others, who was going BACK to Tuscaloosa this week to volunteer.
A very good friend of mine, spent over $200, without a thought, buying clothing , diapers, wipes, and toys to help these victims! This wasn't easy for her, financially, but she did it.
And I am sure, most people have heard of the "toomers for tuscaloosa" group. They are doing amazing things.
My family and I are so blessed. This storm, which went for hundreds of miles, without lifting off of the ground, skipped about a 3 mile path, then landed north. This path that is skipped, was the town I live in. We are truley blessed.
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The purple line in the middle is the path of the Tuscaloosa tornado. The break in the line, is the area that my family and I live. |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
We had one hell of a garage sale yesterday. Here, in middle Alabama, the Mexicans come by the minivan fulls. They do buy stuff, but the steal a shit load as well. Stealing from a garage sale? Really? Whatever. I still made BANK! We had the normal weirdo's, one lady told me that it was ridiculous for my children to have as many clothes as they did. And then there's ALWAYS the person that wants to give you a nickle for something that you have marked $5, then they pull out $100 bill!
But the strangest thing that has EVER happened to me happened toward the end of the day....
An older couple came up and was very interested in the jewelry that I had, what was left of it that had not been stolen. I explained to them that I used to be a sales rep for this brand and it was very expensive so the prices that I had marked on them were more than reasonable. Of course ,I made them a HUGE deal. And much to my surprise (I hope youre picking up my sarcasm) they didn't have enough money. So, I took what they had. Then, shockingly enough, they found something else on their way out and just happened to have a little more left. WOW!! They went to their truckm then turned around and came back. They wanted to 'pray' for us. But the man had to go to the truck and get his keys, on his key chain was a little vile. What I'm about to tell you is 100% true! He straight up annointed me with oil. I shit you not. Then he prayed, to JEASUUUUSSS for us to sell everything we had. I am usually very touched and thankful when people pray for me and I pray for people all of the time. But I guess I just wasn't moved by the spirit since they had just screwed us out of about $65.
But the strangest thing that has EVER happened to me happened toward the end of the day....
An older couple came up and was very interested in the jewelry that I had, what was left of it that had not been stolen. I explained to them that I used to be a sales rep for this brand and it was very expensive so the prices that I had marked on them were more than reasonable. Of course ,I made them a HUGE deal. And much to my surprise (I hope youre picking up my sarcasm) they didn't have enough money. So, I took what they had. Then, shockingly enough, they found something else on their way out and just happened to have a little more left. WOW!! They went to their truckm then turned around and came back. They wanted to 'pray' for us. But the man had to go to the truck and get his keys, on his key chain was a little vile. What I'm about to tell you is 100% true! He straight up annointed me with oil. I shit you not. Then he prayed, to JEASUUUUSSS for us to sell everything we had. I am usually very touched and thankful when people pray for me and I pray for people all of the time. But I guess I just wasn't moved by the spirit since they had just screwed us out of about $65.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Shameless Plug
I used to sell the #1 skin care products in the world, I loved them, we all know who they are, but I won't mention any names.
My sister has recently started selling a skin care line, and I love it! These products are phenomenal. I saw a huge difference in the appearance of my skin in less than a week!!
Please check out her website:
My sister has recently started selling a skin care line, and I love it! These products are phenomenal. I saw a huge difference in the appearance of my skin in less than a week!!
Please check out her website:
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
School Project
My child is in kindergarten. In the beginning of the year, we didn't have a lot of projects to do (I say we, as if she really helps), now, as the year is drawing to a close, we have something different every week. I am not complaining,I kind of enjoy it. But you know how it is, every day, it's something else, wear yellow, dress like your favorite character out of a book (she wouldn't go as Scarlett O'Hara, like I suggested), make a yam into something. The yam was my favorite, I , uh I mean , WE made The Little MerYAM. She was beautiful. There was also the "poster about me", I really enjoyed this one!! Of course, my penmanship and spelling are so bad, she may have gotten extra points because the teacher thought she really did it. I can't WAIT until we have to build a solar system! My family used to have one that my brother, the oldest, built and we passed around from cousin to cousin. But I digress, Anyway, this week, they are studying germs (I think my children are well versed on germs seeing as how I do not clean) . They are supposed to come to school dressed as if they are sick. We decided on chicken pox, it's cute, I am sure there will be 50 more of them. But I have a devious side. Any Seinfeld fans out there???
"They gave me gonorrhea!"
"They gave me gonorrhea!"
This one has some meaning.....
I have realized, very recently, something I should have known for a very long time. Whether you are going through absolute hell or just a really sucky day, God is there. He is trying to tell you something. I am not saying that everything happens for a reason, because I don't believe that. We are mortal, things are going to happen to us that are bad. We lose parents, friends, I have even buried twins. It rains at important events, we fight with a loved one, we lose jobs. It may be the worst day of your life. Be quiet and listen. God is speaking to you. He maybe saying "It's going to be ok."
When we buried out twins, who were premature, I thought, "If this changes someones views on abortion, then my tragedy has served a purpose". I have no idea if that happened. Since then, I have been dedicating my time to March of Dimes. I was having an outdoor event to raise money for MOD. I prayed,"PLEASE Lord, only you can control the weather. I need a beautiful day" 3 days before, we got the word from local meteorologist that it was going to be very stormy. I was, of course, very upset. God said, "I didn't say 'no' I said wait.". We moved the even to Sunday. In the 3 days before the event, we were mentioned on every television station's news and website. It was publicity! See, he always has a plan.
So, be quiet and listen.
I will return to my snarkyness tomorrow...
When we buried out twins, who were premature, I thought, "If this changes someones views on abortion, then my tragedy has served a purpose". I have no idea if that happened. Since then, I have been dedicating my time to March of Dimes. I was having an outdoor event to raise money for MOD. I prayed,"PLEASE Lord, only you can control the weather. I need a beautiful day" 3 days before, we got the word from local meteorologist that it was going to be very stormy. I was, of course, very upset. God said, "I didn't say 'no' I said wait.". We moved the even to Sunday. In the 3 days before the event, we were mentioned on every television station's news and website. It was publicity! See, he always has a plan.
So, be quiet and listen.
I will return to my snarkyness tomorrow...
Monday, April 4, 2011
smart cars?
I saw one of those little and tiny smart cars today. I am wondering why they call them 'smart'. Here is a parable for you:
One day, at local a gas station, the owner of a bright yellow 'smart' car was laughing as he filled his car up for $12, that will last him a month and a half. On the other side of the pump was a big, beautiful, black SUV. The owner of that SUV filled his car up for $1,258.72, that will last him a week. As they were leaving, the 'smart' car pulled out in front of the SUV. He was creamed and had to spend $58,987.42 on medical bills. The owner of the SUV, had to spend $1.35 on a box of band aids, because he was drinking a Pepsi and the can cut his lip when he hit a bump in the road as he was leaving the gas station. Pepsi heard about his injury, and in an act of kindness sent him a check for $12,000.
Who's the smart one now?
One day, at local a gas station, the owner of a bright yellow 'smart' car was laughing as he filled his car up for $12, that will last him a month and a half. On the other side of the pump was a big, beautiful, black SUV. The owner of that SUV filled his car up for $1,258.72, that will last him a week. As they were leaving, the 'smart' car pulled out in front of the SUV. He was creamed and had to spend $58,987.42 on medical bills. The owner of the SUV, had to spend $1.35 on a box of band aids, because he was drinking a Pepsi and the can cut his lip when he hit a bump in the road as he was leaving the gas station. Pepsi heard about his injury, and in an act of kindness sent him a check for $12,000.
Who's the smart one now?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Time Out
In this politically correct age, where we aren't allowed to beat our kids, some fool came up with the 'time out'. I guess this is the sensitive person's equivalent to standing in the corner, which I usually got after I had my ass worn out. No, my parents rarely used 'time-out'. My mother may have taken some time out to sneak in the bedroom and have a swig of homemade muscodine wine while waiting for my dad to come home and whip his belt off with the speed of superman, and spank me or my sister. If I got sent to my room, I knew it was to wait for what was coming next. My father always used a belt, big and leather. My mother, however, had a name for her weapon of choice, THE PADDLE. We, as children, were terrified of both. A-N-Y-W-A-Y......Back to time out.
I have tried this method. I even purchased a sweet little hand painted chair with the words, 'Time Out' in pink and beautiful pink and blue flowers painted all over. I have used the bottom stair. I have used a chair in the living room. I have tried everything! What it comes down to is this. Every time I put my kids in time out, I forget they are there. Not sure how effective this is.
I have tried this method. I even purchased a sweet little hand painted chair with the words, 'Time Out' in pink and beautiful pink and blue flowers painted all over. I have used the bottom stair. I have used a chair in the living room. I have tried everything! What it comes down to is this. Every time I put my kids in time out, I forget they are there. Not sure how effective this is.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Whole Fam Damily
Let me give you a little back ground on my family. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Both are married with children. My brother's children are grown, and in college. My sister's children are my own children's age. (We have a LOoooooong way to go before college). They all live in the same city with my parents, aka MiMi and PaPa. We, however, live about 5 hours away. I understand that my family is crazy, but I still love them.
Recently I suggested a family get together the day before Easter. I know this is not going to happen. I won't go into anything else here (Each family member has their own definition and opinion of family time) While I know my idea of a Norman Rockwell day on the river, grilling out, laughing, playing board games: it will never happen, I can always dream. I know, if the family day happens, it will end in yelling, screaming, whining and tears. And there is no telling how the kids will act.
If any of the above mentioned are reading, I am sure this will cause ANOTHER fight. Please don't get offended, this is all a statement of fact.
Recently I suggested a family get together the day before Easter. I know this is not going to happen. I won't go into anything else here (Each family member has their own definition and opinion of family time) While I know my idea of a Norman Rockwell day on the river, grilling out, laughing, playing board games: it will never happen, I can always dream. I know, if the family day happens, it will end in yelling, screaming, whining and tears. And there is no telling how the kids will act.
If any of the above mentioned are reading, I am sure this will cause ANOTHER fight. Please don't get offended, this is all a statement of fact.
I hate that bitch Barbie
I really hate Barbie. Not because she's gorgeous, skinny, has an unlimited wardrobe, drives a pink corvette, or has a boyfriend who can't talk. No, I hate her because she and about 1000 of her friends live in my house, rent free. She also makes a horrible mess everytime she has a party.My kids adore her, she's like the fun aunt that buys them beer, or candy cigarets. The kids can't listen when she's around, I think she controls their minds. She also makes me scream and cuss like a victim of terets. Barbie may just be a demon, see, when I put her in the garbage can, she comes back, looking at me with those dead eyes and that shit eating grin.
But, I have a plan, the one thing that Barbie is powerless against,(dun dun duuuuun) THE GARAGE SALE.....
But, I have a plan, the one thing that Barbie is powerless against,(dun dun duuuuun) THE GARAGE SALE.....
I couldn't get out of bed this morning, but, I am very sorry to hear about your hangnail
For about a year now, I have been dealing with some extreme and inexplicable pain, all over my body. Dr.'s made me feel as if I was crazy. Their answer was exercise or take a multi vitamin. I did both. Nothing helped. I took Advil, Tylenol, and stronger pain killers. Nothing helped.
The pain recently became almost debilitating. After several visits with different Dr.'s I finally found a Rheumatologist who asked all of the right questions. I told him all my past history with different problems that I won't go into, including the fact that I have NEVER slept well. He came to the conclusion that I have Fibromyalgia. I laughed and told him I thought that was a fake disease. This is how most people feel about it. But I liked this Dr. and I have a real peace about his treatment plan. He does not want to dope me up on pills, he wants to get to the root of the problem, which is most likely my sleeping habits.
What I want to tell you is that until you know the kind of pain that myself, and others like me, experience on nearly a daily basis, you shouldn't judge, as I did in the past. I read up on the disease and everything, even stuff I have just learned to live with, is text book.
I hadn't thought too much about it until I had one of the worst pain days ever, yesterday. I realized things that we all take for granted. It hurt just to stand, to drive, to get up! I could not even go to the tanning bed, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get up. I couldn't let my kids sit in my lap, or even snuggle them while they slept last night. You would not believe the exhaustion I experience and the smallest activity. Every little activity expends so much of my energy that by the end of the day, I can't enjoy my family. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't lay in bed writhing in pain everyday. I have had a lot of really good days, I have taken them for granted. I know yesterday was God's way of showing me that I need to make the most of the good days and not to push myself on the bad ones.
I know most of you think, "I thought you were fine." Well, for most of my life, I have been made to feel as though feeling bad was a sign of weakness, and I just might be faking it. So, I learned to live with it. But, now, I know there is a reason for it. I am not just old, or fat, or out of shape.
Walk a mile in my flip flops, on a good day even, you'll see.--
I recently posted this to facebook because some people in my life seemed to not give a shit about what I was going through. I realized it was because they just didn't understand. I thought it would help, those certain people to stop telling me ,"Have you tried _____", well, no, I haven't thought of that, I like this horrible pain. My favorite was when people want to compare their pain with mine. This is bullshit, I am sorry you have a hangnail, but I couldn't get out of bed this morning.
The pain recently became almost debilitating. After several visits with different Dr.'s I finally found a Rheumatologist who asked all of the right questions. I told him all my past history with different problems that I won't go into, including the fact that I have NEVER slept well. He came to the conclusion that I have Fibromyalgia. I laughed and told him I thought that was a fake disease. This is how most people feel about it. But I liked this Dr. and I have a real peace about his treatment plan. He does not want to dope me up on pills, he wants to get to the root of the problem, which is most likely my sleeping habits.
What I want to tell you is that until you know the kind of pain that myself, and others like me, experience on nearly a daily basis, you shouldn't judge, as I did in the past. I read up on the disease and everything, even stuff I have just learned to live with, is text book.
I hadn't thought too much about it until I had one of the worst pain days ever, yesterday. I realized things that we all take for granted. It hurt just to stand, to drive, to get up! I could not even go to the tanning bed, because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get up. I couldn't let my kids sit in my lap, or even snuggle them while they slept last night. You would not believe the exhaustion I experience and the smallest activity. Every little activity expends so much of my energy that by the end of the day, I can't enjoy my family. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't lay in bed writhing in pain everyday. I have had a lot of really good days, I have taken them for granted. I know yesterday was God's way of showing me that I need to make the most of the good days and not to push myself on the bad ones.
I know most of you think, "I thought you were fine." Well, for most of my life, I have been made to feel as though feeling bad was a sign of weakness, and I just might be faking it. So, I learned to live with it. But, now, I know there is a reason for it. I am not just old, or fat, or out of shape.
Walk a mile in my flip flops, on a good day even, you'll see.--
I recently posted this to facebook because some people in my life seemed to not give a shit about what I was going through. I realized it was because they just didn't understand. I thought it would help, those certain people to stop telling me ,"Have you tried _____", well, no, I haven't thought of that, I like this horrible pain. My favorite was when people want to compare their pain with mine. This is bullshit, I am sorry you have a hangnail, but I couldn't get out of bed this morning.
welcome to my awesome blog
So, I decided to start blogging, because my head is full of all of these thoughts, and I think you all be will better for hearing them. I am sarcastic, snarky, and kinda bitchy. If you don't like what I have to say, you don't have to read it. Names will not be changed. I will embarrass the innocent and accuse the guilty. I will, however, always cover my own ass. I may get sappy from time to time, I do have somewhat of a heart.
Hope you enjoy!
Hope you enjoy!
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