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Sunday, April 10, 2011


We had one hell of a garage sale yesterday. Here, in middle Alabama, the Mexicans come by the minivan fulls. They do buy stuff, but the steal a shit load as well. Stealing from a garage sale? Really? Whatever. I  still made BANK! We had the normal weirdo's, one lady told me that it was ridiculous for my children to have as many clothes as they did. And then there's ALWAYS the person that wants to give you a nickle for something that you have marked $5, then they pull out $100 bill!
But the strangest thing that has EVER happened to me happened toward the end of the day....
An older couple came up and was very interested in the jewelry that I had, what was left of it that had not been stolen. I explained to them that I used to be a sales rep for this brand and it was very expensive so the prices that I had marked on them were more than reasonable. Of course ,I made them a HUGE deal. And much to my surprise (I hope youre picking up my sarcasm) they didn't have enough money. So, I took what they had. Then, shockingly enough, they found something else on their way out and just happened to have a little more left. WOW!!  They went to their truckm then turned around and came back. They wanted to 'pray' for us. But the man had to go to the truck and get his keys, on his key chain was a little vile. What I'm about to tell you is 100% true! He straight up annointed me with oil. I shit you not. Then he prayed, to JEASUUUUSSS for us to sell everything we had. I am usually very touched and thankful when people pray for me and I pray for people all of the time. But I guess I just wasn't moved by the spirit since they had just screwed us out of about $65.


  1. I am dying over here! Annointed with oil?? That is just nuts! Only in Alabama would something happen like that.

  2. BTW - I have a blog too. It isn't that exciting b/c all I do lately is talk about Caden but it is
