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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This one has some meaning.....

I have realized, very recently, something I should have known for a very long time.  Whether you are going through absolute hell or just a really sucky day, God is there. He is trying to tell you something. I am not saying that everything happens for a reason, because I don't believe that. We are mortal, things are going to happen to us that are bad. We lose parents, friends, I have even buried twins. It rains at important events, we fight with a loved one, we lose jobs.  It may be the worst day of your life. Be quiet and listen. God is speaking to you. He maybe saying "It's going to be ok."
When we buried out twins, who were premature, I thought, "If this changes someones views on abortion, then my tragedy has served a purpose". I have no idea if that happened. Since then, I have been dedicating my time to March of Dimes.  I was having an outdoor event to raise money for MOD. I prayed,"PLEASE Lord, only you can control the weather. I need a beautiful day"  3 days before, we got the word from local meteorologist that it was going to be very stormy.  I was, of course, very upset.  God said, "I didn't say 'no' I said wait.".  We moved the even to Sunday. In the 3 days before the event, we were mentioned on every television station's news and website. It was publicity! See, he always has a plan. 
So, be quiet and listen.

I will return to my snarkyness tomorrow...

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